First we want to thank everyone who signed up and participated in our first round of test auctions. The Queen City team wanted to take our learnings from our original auction site and apply them to a new solution that better fit the needs of our business. We welcome feedback as we continue to develop our new auction solution in house. We will be experimenting with a few new auction formats including some starting at 99 cents.
One of the new features already in placed is auction time will extend out 5 mins if a bid is placed within the last 2 mins.
New auctions have been posted and are now live! Follow the link below to check them out and thank you for supporting us as we grow our solutions
We have had an overwhelming request for information on this. So, lets dive in.
First, why are these new sanctions even taking place? Well, we must rewind to a year ago… according to the State Department’s fact sheet, the sanctions issued on Friday include “… a continuation of measures imposed on March 2, 2021, as well as in 2018 and 2019 in response to the poisoning of Sergey Skripal and his daughter, along with the waivers associated with these sanctions.”
Retaliation for espionage and chemical weapons; this is what it boils down to.
“Persuant to the Chemical and Biological Weapons Control and Warfare Elimination Act of 1991 (the CBW Act), the United States will impose a second round of sanctions on the Russian Federation over its use of a “Novichok” nerve agent in the August 2020 poisoning of Russian opposition figure Aleksey Navalny.”
What are the exact sanctions of the CBW Act and what do they mean for us?
The Act mandates that the U.S. government will terminate arms sales with a country found to have violated the act, including the “termination licenses for the export to that country of any item on the United States Munitions List.”
Typically once a ban has taken place it will not be lifted. Meaning, even though we saw some light at the end of the tunnel on ammunition, it is about to get exponentially worse. According to the the US International Trade Commission released through the National Shooting Sports Foundation report, in May 2021 alone, that 462.3 million units of cartridges, not including shotgun shells, were imported from overseas into the country. Some reports hold that as much as 40 percent of overseas ammo supply could be coming from Russian manufacturers or exporters located in Russia. This sudden loss of potentially hundreds of millions of units of ammunition from an already voracious ammo market could see consumer prices skyrocket as demand aggressively outpaces supply.
Though the ammunition is the greatest hit to American gun owners. Lets talk gun imports… Looking to purchase your favorite gun imported by Century Arms such as that Canik you have been eyeing…or FIME Group. I would start planning now. Though we do not have all the details, manufactures, or products that will be affected it might be a good idea to be prepared… It is coming in one form or another.
When will this take place?
The importation of firearms and ammunition from Russia will be effectively banned starting September 7, 2021. According to the documents provided by the State Department, “These latest sanctions on Russia pursuant to the CBW Act will take effect upon the publication of a Federal Register notice expected on September 7, 2021, and they will remain in place for a minimum of 12 months. The sanctions can only be lifted after a 12-month period if the Executive Branch determines and certifies to Congress that Russia has met several conditions described in the CBW Act, 22 U.S.C. 5605(c). As soon as we know more we will issue an update.
Queen City Shooters Range and Retail in Independence KY will be closed Sunday the 5th for the Labor Day Holiday. We will open back up September 7th normal time!
We have increasingly had issues with Facebook & Instagram and censorship. We have received numerous “community standard” violations. One of Queen City Arms’ admin is currently on a 3 day ban with Facebook.
We will no longer be posting prices on any of our ads. We will be posting a short message and a link to QCC where you will be able to see detailed information.
We are displeased with the current state of things, however we do not want to fully lose our audience on Facebook .
Lets Get In Touch!
Our new Auction Site has an amazing feature! If you enable “Newsletters” during registration or on your main control panel. We have the ability to send out notification this way when new product drops! The newsletters will go directly to your email you registered with! We will not spam you either…no one has time for that 🙂
Ohio has launched a stolen gun portal that allows shops and private parties to search a serial number through the Law Enforcement Automated Data System. This is a fantastic tool to ensure no one is buying a stolen gun and will help return stolen guns to their rightful owners! More info as well as the link to the database can be found at the link below!
We have built the last bit of product we have remaining! Queen City Arms will have a limited run of uppers and complete Lowers as well as parts. We will not advertise these on Facebook nor will these go on our online store. They will be for sale in store only. We will update information here with pricing and availability. They are built and awaiting testing. We are hoping to have these out by Tuesday of next week!
We are still working on getting more builds planned for late 2021. As most of you know the industry has been insane, we hope it will regulate somewhat. Stay tuned!
It has been some time since we had a State of QCA post. We want to always keep open and clear communication with you, our valued customers and friends. First, this last year has been hard! As I know many of you have felt the immense pressure and stress; so have we. We all have and continue to navigate through this pandemic. Which has caused so many disruptions we are still dealing with.
Our hours are still reduced due to the limited inventory. We are working every day we are closed. The inventory we do receive we typically sell the same day and try to be as fair as possible in listing these items for sale. It is important to know we have offered inventory to our local customers first and kept our word not to price gouge.
As enthusiasts this can be very challenging times. To our new customers, thank you for checking us out! We have worked hard to try to steer you in a good direction if we do not have the item you want or need. The idea of settling on a firearm that may not be a good fit has been a very difficult scenario for us. We hope all the new and awesome people we have assisted over the last few months know they can reach out to us if you have questions or need advice. New gun owners face a lot of questions and we want to make sure you have a good support system.
Let’s talk ammo…
As most of you know it is very hard to come by. Ammo prices have increased marginally, however the limited availability has definitely driven the prices through the roof. For full transparency we have been moving all ball ammo to Queen City Shooters to keep the range stocked for range use. When we have ammo it is mostly defensive. There is no set time when it comes in and the amounts are not consistent. We are unable to back order it and we do not do wait lists as we have no idea when supplies will be available. It looks like the best and most cost effective way to purchase it is online right now. You may still pay a premium for it. This will pass and things will regulate eventually. Which brings us to one of our favorite sayings…BUY IT CHEAP AND STACK IT DEEP!
Shipping for the time being seems to be regulating. However, most shipments are still 7-10 days out. As a reminder on our online store, if an item states, “available” it is in stock and drop shipping from our distributors. Shipping times fall in that 7-10 day window. The status “on the self today” means it is in stock at one of our locations and usually can be picked up the same day. We have been working very hard to keep a live inventory of items as they come. As you can imagine due to the incredible demand some products sell before it makes it to our online site.
We have been growing our content here on Queen City Classifieds. Due to the increasing censorship on social media platforms we have been trying to navigate our customers here to find current inventory and QC news.
Our newest feature of Queen City Classifieds is our Auctions. We have enjoyed conducting them. We hope as things stabilize we will be able to expand and host even more! We welcome your feedback too.
What does the future look like? Well, just know we will keep hustling to bring you all the #qcadeals we can, to be honest and transparent. We are excited and hopeful the new year will bring new opportunities to grow. Our builds are currently on hold due to the limited availability of parts but we are always working on new ideas.
Thank you for supporting us! Thank you for all the love we have received over the last several months! Just a big thank you.
Mike Dewine passed a law changing a lot of the knife designations for Ohio. Of note:
SB 140 reforms Ohio knife law by making two separate substantive changes: 1. The ban on manufacture and sale of “switchblade,” “spring blade” and “gravity” knives is repealed; 2. It clears up the vague and confusing Ohio law regarding carry of ANY knife by defining a knife, razor or cutting instrument as a “deadly weapon” or “weapon” ONLY if it is used as a weapon. This would allow carrying any knife concealed under state law.
SB 140 takes effect April 10th.
For more info on SB 140 follow the link below.
Removing the duty to retreat takes the concept of castle doctrine and applies it to every location outside your home or car where you have a legal right to be.
Here’s the way the new law will read beginning April 6.
(B) For purposes of any section of the Revised Code that sets forth a criminal offense, a person has no duty to retreat before using force in self-defense, defense of another, or defense of that person’s residence, if that person is in a place in which the person lawfully has a right to be.
(C) A trier of fact shall not consider the possibility of retreat as a factor in determining whether or not a person who used force in self-defense, defense of another, or defense of that person’s residence reasonably believed that the force was necessary to prevent injury, loss, or risk to life or safety.
In addition to this language dealing with criminal actions, there is also nearly identical language for civil actions.
Bottom line, if you can legally be in a place, you have no duty to retreat before using lethal force in self-defense. However, this does not change the standard for when use of lethal force is legally justified.
Essentially the law has now changed to no longer require you attempt to retreat before defending yourself. This does not mean, though, that you can deploy your firearm in more situations. You should still only deploy your firearm if you have a reasonable fear that you will be seriously harmed or killed if you do not defend yourself.
For more clarity and information follow the link below!
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed a “Stand Your Ground” bill into law on Monday, backing off his threat to veto the measure after Ohio lawmakers declined to pass his recommended gun control proposals.
The Republican-backed bill, SB175, removes the “duty to retreat” requirement before a gun owner can use lethal force in self-defense. Legislators attached the controversial measure to a bill that grants civil immunity for deaths or injuries from handguns, before passing it during the lame-duck session.
“I have always believed that it is vital that law-abiding citizens have the right to legally protect themselves when confronted with a life-threatening situation,” DeWine said in a statement.